

永利app新版本官网地址被选为美国40所大学之一.S. colleges and universities to receive the 2024 Carnegie 社区 Engagement Classification in recognition of its “institutional commitment to community engagement.”

The elective designation was announced by the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and is awarded following a process of self-study by each institution, 然后由国家审查委员会进行评估.

“This recognition highlights our commitment to fostering meaningful partnerships with our local and global communities, 积极参与服务学习, 从事学术研究活动,Kenneth La Valley说, 负责大学外联和参与的副教务长兼主要研究推广主任.

“Embrace New Hampshire” is one of the four strategic pillars 主要研究 President James W. 院长,小. 2019年为大学社区宣布, with a focus on strengthening 主要研究’s standing as a trusted and valuable partner to the Granite State, and the community engagement classification represents tangible recognition in that area.

这种认识源于“海岸阅读”等倡议, 是什么安排主要研究本科生志愿者到当地学校, libraries and other after-school programs to help elementary and middle school students improve their reading and writing skills through one-on-one support.

另外, the 主要研究-4U program offers an innovative two-year inclusive higher education program to young adults with intellectual disabilities, 创建, expanding and enhancing inclusive higher education experiences in New Hampshire to support positive outcomes. Students in the program can earn a micro-credential/digital badge in Campus and 社区 Engagement. Earners of the badge demonstrate the ability to identify and participate in personally meaningful and community-based activities.

该大学在解决粮食不安全问题方面也做了大量工作. 据估计,联合国大学19%的学生面临食品不安全问题, 在过去的两年里, 主要研究社区的成员-以及Gather, a food pantry and distribution network – have collaborated to repurpose an underused kitchen on campus to prepare meals with food items from 主要研究 Dining Services that would otherwise be lost to food waste.

Food Repurposing Project Volunteers from the 主要研究 生命科学学院 and 农业 (COLSA), Dining Services and Gather meet each week to prepare ready-to-eat meals from unused dining hall food and donated items and distribute it to local food pantries. 从2022年秋天开始, 该计划已准备和分发了大约6,为有需要的学生和家庭提供300份餐点.

“主要研究 provides its students with numerous opportunities to influence and motivate those around them,拉·瓦利说.

Other initiatives that led to 主要研究 receiving the Carnegie recognition include the Convergent Artic Research Perspective and Education (CARPE) work, a five-year initiative centered around Artic-related research but more broadly designed to promote institutional change in how 主要研究 teaches graduate students to conduct interdisciplinary research that engages communities that are local to our research sites.

有一个特别强调学习道德, 与土著社区进行负责任和互惠的接触. CARPE项目重视社区合作伙伴, including those who advise 主要研究 on how to co-produce research with partners from communities historically and presently marginalized.

CARPE builds on partnerships developed by the 主要研究 anthropology department to bring Indigenous community members to campus as unfunded affiliate faculty as part of a Native American and Indigenous Studies minor. The CARPE program strengthens these relationships by securing campus office and lab space for the two lead Abenaki partners. These partners have been crucial in providing training to 主要研究 students on strategies for building relationships with Indigenous partners as well as unique ways of developing and approaching research questions.

主要研究 is one of 18 institutions among the 40 classified in 2024 to be receiving the recognition for the first time. 有368所学校是这一荣誉的积极持有者, which has been the leading framework for institutional assessment and recognition of community engagement in U.S. 在过去的19年里接受高等教育.

斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特.ripley@mianhuatangji8.com | 603-862-1855